The challenge in selling television often lies in the creative. Advertising on TV makes sense to most businesses, but obstacles get in the way:
Quality of production – will my business be portrayed in a professional manner?
Message – how will my business stand out from the rest?
From your perspective, you have the same concerns and more:
How can my clients afford good creative and quality production?
How long will it take to produce - when can I get them on the air?
How long can I keep them on the air?
If your team just needs a little help with the final touches or want to add some flair to production, we have a variety of customized graphics options, from animated to logos to motion graphics.
Present the spot(s) in your pitch to the clients. They can better visualize what their spot will look like.
Once you find the spot(s) you would like to customize, then it’s time to get to work. Naturally, we’ll need a few things from you:
ReadySpots will work with you in the selling process and provide support as needed. This means we’re available to answer questions, offer suggestions and lend a hand via phone or email. You will have access to all the sample spots to download to a laptop or tablet in order to make presentations to your clients. Many of our categories have multiple spots to run as a campaign to keep clients on the air longer and provide a turn-key solution. This also helps the client to see the “big picture” easier
Flat-fee pricing allows you to work with a client’s budget and map out a plan that results in maximum success.
You may choose to subsidize some (or all) of the production and licensing fees for clients who commit to air-time buys at a level that makes sense for you.
Your fee covers the cost of customization of the spot - voice-over and graphics, plus includes market-based licensing for one year. There are no additional costs for uploading the final spots to the media outlet you choose.
Some categories come with a series of spots that are meant to work in conjunction with each other to present your message more completely. We have special pricing to buy all in a series, but you are also welcome to buy any spots ala carte. The reason for the discount for a package is because there is less work for our team with the graphics. That makes sense, right? With that said, should you decide later to buy more after you just bought one, we'll discount the price.
Since these spots are (almost) ready, it doesn't take long to get them on the air! Once we get the information from you, client approves the script for voice-over, then it only takes around 3-5 business days. Sometimes less!
Yes. Internet usage is allowed. In fact, we have special pricing for clients that would like to use the spots for digital use only.